Canyon Quest and Spiritual Warrior Training
Join us for this healing journey through the magical Canyonlands where we will move through an exquisite environment of desert sandstone, ancient passageways and towering arches which offer a playground and sanctuary for deep renewal of the self. Along our way we will build healing and learning community through experiences such as backpacking & hiking, wilderness navigation, exploration of ancient ruins, earth rituals and celebration, meditation & Tai Chi, singing, chanting and drumming, medicine walk, and a solo fast. All of these group and alone activities provide the vehicles for attaining the clarity, vision, courage, and peace of mind of the modern spiritual warrior.
The Canyon Quests will be run in the Needles District of Canyonlands National Park several hours sought of Moab, Utah. Our current plan is to drive a 15 mile dirt road from Indian Creek to a campsite near Cathedral Butte at the upper end of Upper Salt Creek, one of the more spectacular canyons in Utah. We will camp that night on the rim of the canyon by the cars and descend the next morning about four miles to the bottom of the canyon. This campsite will be our staging area to hike, explore side canyons, and spend solo time in this vast canyon system. Other locations are also possible depending on weather and other factors.
Each day we check in, sort our goals, and decide as a small community on our day’s activities. There is the opportunity for long hikes as well as wandering and exploring the canyon or taking quiet time to read, write, or meditate. Each evening we reconnect to share our experiences and process as a small tribal group living in a remote and delicate yet beautiful and inspiring setting. We will frequently sing, chant, or share ritual ceremonies such as the medicine wheel or talking staff. Camp chores such as cooking and water treatment will be shared among staff and participants and much learning accomplished in an experiential manner.
The culmination of the week will be a time of solo wandering or sitting know as the Medicine Walk or Solo Quest. This is a time to tune into the energy of the canyons and reflect on one’s life and process. Fasting during this period, if desired, will be supported, and being an ecological presence in the canyon environment emphasized. In the context of “spiritual warrior training,” we will examine those qualities and choices that help each of us to clarify our purpose and visions as well as our responsibilities and commitments to personal development, human community, and planetary survival.
The trip will depart from Boulder or Denver, Colorado between 6 and 7 AM on Saturday. Out-of-town participants should arrive in Denver on Friday night and arrange to carpool with local participants or staff ahead of time. You can also fly to Grand Junction and be picked up at 1 PM or meet in Moab, Utah at 3 to 4 PM. We will travel to our campsite, get acquainted, and begin our process as a group on Saturday night. We will hike out of Salt Creek on the following Saturday and either leave for Denver or camp and depart on Sunday morning. We reserve the right to alter the trip, change the site and itinerary as weather or environmental conditions or the nature of the group may require. Special travel needs may be able to be accommodated.
Personal equipment information will be provided upon registration. The weather can range from hot(80’s) and sunny to rainy and cold with snow a possibility, particularly when traveling through the mountains. A warm sleeping bag, tent and/or tarp, large capacity backpack, and warm clothing are essential. You need sturdy hiking boots that can be waterproofed as well as adequate rain gear(rain jacket and pants made from nylon, Goretex or other sturdy, water resistant fabric). You will also need to bring personal trail snacks such as candy, nuts, gorp, dried fruit. All other food will be provided and will be healthy and sufficient. Bring sunscreen, lip balm, lotion, minimal toiletries, readings, journal, musical instruments, a give-a-way (gift).

- Depart from Denver/Boulder by carpool at 6 AM on the first day, typically Saturday
- Return late Saturday or during day on Sunday the following week
- $850 cost includes all meals in field but not carpool/travel costs
- $200 deposit required; balance due 30 days before trip
- Call Rick Medrick at 303-320-0372 for further information
Rick Medrick, Ed. D., is the founder and director of O.L.T.S. He's been exploring the relationship between personal growth and outdoor experience for over 30 years.
Penny Woodward, M.S.O.T.R., is an instructor for O.L.T.S., organic farmer, ritualist, deep ecologist, and occupational therapist in private practice.
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